Thursday, July 29, 2010

Handbook to Practical Disaster Preparedness for the Family

Here's another resource that looks really good, though I haven't read it yet. Brenda mentioned this in the comments section and I'm pulling it forward so everyone sees it.  Here's the description from Amazon:

Handbook to Practical Disaster Preparedness for the Family

Editorial Reviews
Product Description
Ninety-nine percent of the time the world spins like a top, the skies are clear, and your refrigerator is full of milk and cheese. But know with certainty that the world is a dangerous place. Storms rage, fires burn, and diseases spread. No one is ever completely safe. Not you. Not your children. We all live as part of a very complex ecosystem that is unpredictable and willing to kill us without remorse or pause. This book will help you to establish a practical disaster preparedness plan for your entire family, covering all 14 basic human needs. Additional information is also presented for those with special needs, including the elderly, children, people with disabilities, pregnant women, and pets. Every topic is well researched, with over 240 references cited, and is presented in a clear, easy to read format.
From the Author
Right out of the gate let me tell you what the book is NOT. It is not a book about fighting off hordes of flesh-eating zombies, should they ever rise from the grave. Nor will it describe how to survive a shipwreck by feasting on coconuts and roasted iguana. Finally, it is not intended to help you survive our planet being sucked into the cosmic fireball affectionately known as our Sun. If you wish to prepare for those types of events, I respectfully suggest that you continue your search for a more suitable text.

This book is designed to help your family prepare for more commonplace, yet still potentially deadly ­disasters. The list is long and varied, and includes hurricanes, tornados, terrorist attacks, earthquakes, pandemics, financial collapse, widespread blackouts, and much more. My hope is that this handbook will accomplish three things: (1) motivate you to become better prepared, (2) illustrate how to prepare effectively, and (3) help you to realize your place in a larger movement.

The 540-page handbook is clear and easy to read with dozens of photos, illustrations, and worksheets. What makes this book different is that it focuses on practical steps that you and your family can take to become better prepared. At the beginning of each chapter, is an example scenario designed to help you consider your current level of readiness. At the end, are brief lists of recommended supplies.

This handbook will help you to lay out a plan that includes assessing your family's needs, stocking supplies, shoring up your shelter, leveraging existing resources, mitigating potential hazards, and preparing for likely threats. At the end of your efforts, you will be rewarded with knowing that your family is far better prepared to handle real world challenges.

--From the Author (added by author)

Here's the link:

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