Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Challenge #1: Water Storage

Water is the #1 most important thing we can have in our storage, (followed very closely by food, I might add). Your body starts shutting down after only a few days without water, but it can go much longer without food, as long as you have water. For our first challenge, I want to encourage everyone to start working on getting 14 gallons stored for each person in your house. Understand, that this is the bare minimum you want to store. If the big "IT" (whatever it turns out to be for you) happens, and it involves an inaccessibility to water, you'll be wishing you had a lot more than that. But it is a place to start, so let's do it.
I believe in writing goals down (not that I'm very good at it, most of the time), so I'm going to encourage you to write this down. Here's a possibility of how you could do it:

Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


I couldn't get my cute little chart with the boxes to reproduce here, but you can make a grid, so that each person has 14 boxes next to their name, and as you get some water put away, mark the boxes off, until you have them all crossed off. Don't forget about your pets! You might want to think in terms of keeping the numbers even, so the children don't feel like the parents are putting themselves first. Get a gallon for Dad, then a gallon for Mom, etc., or list the children first and make them feel good. :) It's kind of fun, and gives you a visual of where you are. Next time, I'll talk about some of my favorite kinds of containers. For now, just write down the goal.

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